The class focused on simplifying the process of planning, shopping and cooking gluten-free, as well as sharing basic facts that could clear up common misconceptions. WIC offers wellness classes and activities that are often open to the public, free of charge. WIC provides nutrition education as well as healthcare referrals and supplemental foods for income-eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five. WIC in Morrisville office recently offered a class on Gluten-Free Living in partnership with the Morrisville Co-op. The current WIC food package includes: whole grain cereals, whole grain breads or tortillas, and options including brown rice and oatmeal.By: Nancy Segreto, BS, Nutritionist, Vermont Department of Health, Morrisville Read the ingredient list and choose foods with whole grains at the top of the list.Choose whole grain pasta, tortillas, or brown rice at meals.Add whole grain cereal to yogurt for some crunch.Here are some ways to eat more whole grains: Risk neural tube birth defects (affecting the spinal cord or brain) durning fetal development.Risk of certain types of cancer, e.g., colon cancer.Blood sugar levels and risk of type 2 diabetes.Blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.Constipation and risk of diverticular disease.A good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Some examples of whole-grain ingredients include whole-wheat flour, whole oats, brown rice, and whole rye. Strive to make half of your grains whole grains to gain the health benefits. When eating grains, choose whole grains as part of a healthy lifestyle. All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety.Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care.Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors.Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records.